
Cem Kinay.Ruya Adasinda Kabus

Dellis Cay, Turks and Caicos, West Indies

Avusturya’da tarihin en başarılı turizm girişimcisi olan Cem Kınay, Karayipler’de ilgisi Slot Gacor Terpercaya olmayan bir siyasi kavganın içine iradesi dışında sürüklendi ve İnterpol’den hakkında kırmızıbülten çıkarıldı.
Bir subayın oğlu olan Türk Cem Kınay, Avusturya’da doktor olduktan sonra, ihtisası sırasında sıfırdan kurduğu turizm işinde, seyahat pazarının %60’ına hakim olarak bir turizmimparatorluğu kurdu. Turizm şirketi Gulet ile birlikte sahibi olduğu 19 adet Magic Lifeotellerine yılda yüz binlerce Avusturyalı’yı tatile gönderdi. Bugün ise 54 yaşındaki Cem Kınay varını yoğunu kaybetmek tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya. Oysa o sadece, şirketler grubunun 2004 yılında gerçekleştirilen Almanya seyahat devi TUI’ye satışından sonra bir başkavizyonunu gerçekleştirmek istiyordu. Issız bir adanın geliştirilerek turizme kazandırılması.

2005 yılında Karayip sahillerindeki Dellis Cay’in beyaz sahiline ilk defa ayağını bastığında“İşte o ada burası” dedi.
İngiliz müstemlekesi Turks and Caicos BO Slot Online adalarına ait olan 560 hektar büyüklüğündeki bu küçük adayı bir İtalyan asilzadesinden 18 milyon dolar’a satın aldı. Burası tüm dünya elitleri için lüks bir tatil cenneti olacaktı. Zaha Hadid’den Pierro Lisoni’ye kadar dünyanın en önemli mimarlarından yedi tanesi villalar, apartmanlar ve Mandarin Oriental Group için lüks bir otel tasarımı yaptı.
Mimari dergiler proje hakkında “dünyanın en trendy mimari kum adası” yazıyordu. Kınay tüm birikimlerini bu işe yatırdı. Ve başkalarını da yatırima ikna etti.

Ancak, Turks and Caicos’un Başbakanı Michael Misick ile birlikte gerçekleştirdiği temel atma töreninde Kınay, Karayipler rüyasının çok yakın zamanda bir kabusa dönüşeceğini tahmin etmiyordu. İktidar partisi seçimlerden önce bir cok orada is yapan is adamiyla beraber bağış için onun da kapısını çaldı. Kınay “Bağış talebini avukatlarıma sordum. Bana parti bağışlarının tamamen yasal olduğunu beyan ettiler” dedi. “Şirketim de “tamamen açık, şeffaf ve yasal” bir şekilde 500.000 dolar bağış yaptı.” Bir süre sonra çıkan bir kasırga sonrası parti yeniden bağış talebinde bulundu ve Kınay’ın şirketi 200.000 dolar daha bağışta bulundu.

Bu cömertlik onun kötü kaderi haline gelecekti. 2008 yılının Ağustos ayında Büyük BritanyaDevleti ağır yolsuzluk suçlamalarından ötürü Misick’i görevden alıp parlamentoyu feshetti ve adaların özerk yönetimini düzenleyen anayasayı yürürlükten kaldırdı. Bu konuyla ilvili olarak siyasi gözlemciler İngilizlerde, Turks and Caicoslular’ın Kanada’ya bağlanma tercihleri ve daha da ötesi tam bağımsızlık taleplerine yönelik bir çabanın rahatsızlığı olduğunu tahmin ediyorlar.

Kınay bu olaylardan önce İngiltere Kraliçe’sine ait bir başka adanın daha bir kısmını satın almıştı. Joe Grant adlı bu adanın 200 hektarı için şirketleri 3,2 milyon dolar ödedi ve bir sonraki projesini hayata geçirmek üzere çalışmalara başladı. Yine bir otel ve villalar yapılmak üzere yola çıkılan bu projede de ortağı İtalya Lüks Grubu Bulgari idi.

İngilizler tarafından görevlendirilen adanın yeni sömürge valisi, Kınay’ı hükümete rüşvet verdiği için ada hissesini ucuza elde ettiğini iddia ederek kendisine asılsız suçlamalarda bulundu. Daha sonra ise her şey ardı ardına geldi. Araştırma komisyonunu henuz sonuçlanmamamış ve hatalı ara raporu yerel medyaya sızdırıldı. Bunun üzerine Dellis Cay projesine finansman sağlayan Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation bankası vermiş olduğu krediyi geri çağırdı. İngilizler de hükümet hakkındaki rüşvet soruşturması için bir özel yetkili savcı tayin ettiler. Dellis Cay de insaat durduruldu ve her iki ada da kayyum yönetimine bırakıldı. O günden beri, yani üç yıldır yarısı bitmiş olan binalar artık yıpranma tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya. Burada mağdur olan sadece Kınay olmadı.İnşaatın ilerlemesine istinaden onunla beraber bu işe girerek 100 milyon dolar yatırmış olan diğer yatırımcılar da mağdur oldu.
Kınay bütün bunların sonucunda kendisini yerel ve İngiliz menfaat grupları arasındaki siyasi bir kavganın kurbanı olarak görüyor. Herşeyi sıfırdan kendi kendine yaratan girişimci işadamı Kınay, Istanbul Maslak Sheraton Otelinde yapılan KURIER röportajında “Joe Grant adasının alımında sözleşme partneri hükümet değil, tam tersine bir önceki İngiliz sömürge valisi idi. Fiyatı o belirletti, inceledi ve satış sözleşmesini imzaladı” diye vurguladı. Nitekim, aralarında Richard Ellis ile Ernst&Young şirketlerinin de olduğu bağımsız beş denetleme şirketinin raporlarında da, adanın satış sözleşmesindeki aynı fiyat tespit edilmişti.

Kınay “Kimseye rüşvet vermedim ve daha başlangıçtan beri savcılık ile tam işbirliği yaptım” diyor.

2011 yılı Ekim ayında İstanbul’da kendi isteği ile yapılan sorgulamadan sonra savcılıktan bir daha haber almadı. Ta ki Turks and Caicos’un talebi üzerine İnterpol Temmuz ayı başlarında “Kırmızı bülten” çıkartana ve Kınay kendisini arananlar listesinde bulana kadar. Ancak ne Türkiye ne de Avusturya Kınay’ı şu an itibarıyla Karayipler’e iade etmeyecektir.

Kınay “İlk önce çok şaşırdım. Sadece hayatım boyunca bütün yarattıklarım tahrip edilmedi, itibarım da mahvedilme tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya” diyor, “Haklarım için mücadele etmeye devam edeceğim ve atağa geçeceğim”. Bu bayagi masrafli olacak onun icin.Bugüne kadarki vekil masraflarını ödemek için Miami’de bulunan evini ederinden çok ucuza satmak zorunda kaldı. Satıştan gelen gelir de mahkeme vesayetine verildi. Şimdi ise kendisine ailesi ve uzun yıllardan beri ortağı olan Oğuz Serim mali yardımda bulunuyorlar. Adalara tedbir konulmasına karşı mahkemeye itirazda bulundu. Ancak sömürge valisi, Joe Grant adasının Sotheby’s üzerinden açık artırmaya çıkarılacağını duyurdu. Kınay ”Bu aşikar bir şekilde yasalara aykırıdır, itiraz davası devam ediyor” diyerek kızgınlığını belirtiyor.

Bu arada geçtiğimiz ilkbaharda New York’ta bir başarı elde eti. Dellis Cay’deki 30 villa alıcısından sekizi mahkemeye başvurarak tazminat ödenmesini talep ettiler. Ancak bu dava red edildi. Kendisinin ilk villa müşterilerinden olan Hollywood yıldızı Michael Douglas ve eşi Catherine Zeta Jones ise hiç bir zaman şikayette bulunmadılar.

Kınay, Dellis Cay projesini tekrar hayata geçirmek için her şeyi denemek istiyor. “Bütün bu olaylar dehşet verici. Ben her zaman sözümü tuttum. Daha gencim ve ticari hayatıma tabii kidevam edeceğim”.

“Olağanüstü kariyer, mutlak bir itibar”

O Avusturya Turizm ekonomisinin yıldızıydı. Öyle ki, ekonomi bakani Martin Bartenstein göğsüne bir devlet nişanı taktı. Dönemin Avusturya Havayolları Başkanı Mario Rehulka 1997 yılında ekonomi dergisi Trend tarafından “Yılın adamı”seçilen Kınay’a “Olağanüstü bir kariyer. Üstün müşteri kalitesi odaklı olup birinci kalite bir iş anlayışına ve işe sahiptir” diyerek işine karşı duyduğu ciddiyeti resmileştirdi. “Eğer yolsuzluk yapabileceğine dair enufak bir belirti dahi olsaydı, Avusturya Havayolları ona Touropa Tur Operatörünü satmazdı”. Eski hava yolları işletmecisi Niki Lauda, bir zamanlar en büyük müşterisi olan Kınay hakkında “sert bir müzakereci, ancak mükemmel bir iş kalitesi ve sözünün eri” dedi.
TUI Holding yönetim kurulu üyesi olan Eski Başbakan  Almanların yönetime girmesi ile Kınay’ın da yönetim kurulu üyesi oldu. Aynı zamanda Magic Life Club’lardan çokmemnun bir tatilci olan Vranitzky “Tamamen işine angaje ve fikirlerine inandığım Kınay,bazen işlettiği otellerin sahipleri karşısında belki biraz fazla iyimser” diye düşünüyor.

Bu makale Avusturya KURIER gazetesinde 22 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde yayinlandi.


Finally First Time A Law for Political Donations


Turks and Caicos adopts first political activities law in region
Published on August 14, 2012  

PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos Islands — Governor Ric Todd has signalled another key milestone on the route to the resumption of elections in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) on 9 November by signing into law the Political Activities Ordinance, which comes into effect on August 28, 2012.

Governor Ric Todd

The ordinance is the result of much work, and is a first in the Caribbean region. It comes at the culmination of full and careful consultation, including with the two political parties. The ordinance sets out clearly how parties finance themselves and account for the money they raise; who can donate and the amounts; and controls how the parties spend the money raised in their election campaigning.

Todd commented: “This ordinance marks a big step in making TCI politics open and transparent, and it will be key in avoiding the abuses that occurred in the past. I am sure it will be widely welcomed. TCI is leading the way in the region.”



British Minister Bellingham Pays surprise Visit To Turks and Caicos


PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos Islands — Britain’s minister with responsibility for the Overseas Territories, Henry Bellingham, arrived in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) on Monday, on a previously unannounced visit, accompanying Governor Ric Todd on his return from a five-day trip to the UK to consult on the progress towards the “milestones” previously set down by Bellingham.

These milestones must be completed or clearly on the road to completion before Britain will agree to elections being resumed in the TCI to return a democratically chosen government to replace the current interim administration by Britain following the imposition of direct rule in 2009.

Hopes are high locally that the purpose of the surprise visit by Bellingham will address this issue of elections.

One of the issues relating to the election is voter registration, which is moving much more slowly than expected. 

In the last election of February 2007, almost 7,000 people turned out to cast their votes. As of this week, only approximately half of this number has registered, with a registration deadline at the end of June.

In addition to the 7,000, it is estimated that approximately 2,000 more TC Islanders have come of age and are therefore qualified to vote. It is, however, not known how many of the past voters may now be excluded under the new registration qualifications. 

Another problem being reported is the slowness in the issue of the required birth certificates. The presentation of an original birth certificate must accompany each voter registration.

One Providenciales resident, who is a former candidate for public office, has made several visits to the government offices in Provo attempting to expedite his birth certificate, which he applied for six weeks ago. While the interim government has since reduced the cost of the certificates from $40 to $20, this prospective voter had already paid his $40. 

Another factor affecting the election is the current status of the political parties. The Progressive National Party (PNP) has had its senior executive gutted as a result of criminal charges brought against its former leader, five former ministers and one backbench member, who are scheduled in court next month to answer various allegations of bribery, corruption, money laundering and related charges. 

However, the PNP now appears to be ahead of the other main party, the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), in setting up its new executive in anticipation of resumed elections.

While former chief minister Derek Taylor was elected to lead the PDM in November last year, it now appears he may not survive a strong challenge by another former chief minister, Oswald Skippings. Sources within the party, most media commentators and other local observers believe that, due to Taylor’s recent inactivity, he must be replaced. It also appears that, if Skippings is successful, this could signal a change in other elected and appointed party executives.

 published in Caribbean News Now on 12th of June.

Genel News

Turks and Caicos Island’s Watergate Scandal Part 2

By Caribbean News Now contributor,on 26th of March.

PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos Islands — Following the mysterious leak of witness statements claimed to be from the files of the special investigation and prosecution team (SIPT) in the Turks and Caicos Islands, in circumstances reminiscent of the infamous Watergate break-in of the 1970s in Washington, “Statementgate” continues to be a source of much local interest, with the witness statement of Karen Delancy being dissected both for the information it contains and for the historical scenario the former Progressive National Party (PNP) minister of health describes.

Karen Delancy

According to Delancy’s witness statement, at one of the first meetings she attended with then chief minister Michael Misick, he laid out a plan to set up an Integrity Commission to investigate the dealings of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), which he said at the meeting was known to be corrupt.

This meeting occurred shortly after the by-election in 2003, when Misick was able to reverse the results of the election earlier that year, which had given a third term to then chief minister Derek Taylor and his PDM party. The election results were close in two districts and Misick claimed that voters had been bribed by PDM operatives. During a court hearing, witnesses confirmed this, which resulted in a by-election that reversed the results, handing the government over to Misick and the PNP. 

Taylor has claimed that the witnesses themselves were tainted, not truthful in their testimony and later were arrested and served prison time for non-related offences (not perjury). This has, however, not been confirmed.

Delancy’s 26-page statement dated June 27, 2011, lays out a story of a regime wherein Misick himself became increasingly dictatorial and was openly critical of Delancy as then health minister for her plans to build two hospitals: one in Grand Turk with 15 beds and one in Providenciales with 40 beds. During the previous PDM administration, Taylor wanted to build one hospital on his home island of Grand Turk.

She also paints a picture of increasing involvement by Dr Rufus Ewing in the management of the health system of the TCI. Most of what was actually occurring was not in conformity with the plans she had laid out as health minister, Delancy says.

“[F]rom the day I took up my post I believe that Dr Ewing opposed everything that I had set out to do,” she says.

She explains from her perspective how she was leveraged out as minister and how the ministry was partitioned and assigned to others, with then deputy premier and finance minister Floyd Hall carrying the title of health minister but only handling the financial aspects of the hospital construction.

The witness statement describes how another former minister, McAllister Minister, Hanchell began to monopolize valuable commercial land acreage near the airport and ports with the goal of installing a fuel tank farm.

Delancy by that time had become a backbencher and claims she was told that backbench members of the House of Assembly were not qualified to obtain the choice land and business assignments being passed out to ministers. 

She then describes what happened after the hurricanes in August-September 2008. She says that in the budget address (April 2008) of that year finance minister Floyd Hall claimed the finances of TCI were in surplus, but surprisingly there were no funds available to deal with the aftermath of the hurricanes. She says the country and the PNP party were angered when then premier Misick ignored the crisis and left the country. 

The twice-elected MP then tells how the parliament became increasingly disappointed in the premier’s management or lack thereof. 

She mentions the motion of no confidence brought before the House by opposition members (Seymour, Robinson and Parnell) but does not describe how the Speaker avoided having the motion acted on. Then she goes on to describe events that ended in the premier’s resignation, saying it was more of a PNP party decision and not one made in parliament. The decision she says involved non politicians Arial Misick and Carlos Simons, who acted as an adviser to those who wanted Misick removed and as a intermediary between the PNP and then Governor Gordon Wetherell. 

She indicates that, in the early stages of the no-confidence move, Floyd Hall was the leader. Then she tells of a meeting between her and Misick, where Misick apologized for treating her badly and offered to make her the first female deputy premier in exchange for her support. Delancy then says that Misick told her that Hall had made more poor deals than he (Misick) had and that Floyd Hall’s relationship with Delroy Howell of Southern Health Network had increased overseas health costs from $10 million to $40 million per year.

According to Delancy, most of the PNP parliamentarians were angry at Misick because they were not included in either the sand mining “deal” to sell sand overseas or other government manipulations. Another former PNP minister, Lillian Boyce, reportedly complained because her husband Hayden Boyce (the editor of the Sun newspaper) ought to have received $15,000 per month as an “adviser” to the government. 

Delancy claims she was stunned when she learned that Lillian Boyce and Greg Lightbourne, who were part of group attempting to remove Misick, “jumped back into bed with him.” (Boyce became deputy premier and Lightborne minister of land.)

According to the Delancy statement, she received campaign donations leading up to the 2007 election of $11,000 in total, from Clive Stanbrook ($1,000) and David Smith $10,000). Only later did she learn that Smith headed a Ponzi scheme, she says.

Delancy says that her second cousin Jen Messam and husband Rex Messam were close friends of David Smith and were also part of a social circle including Floyd and Lisa Hall. Michael Misick, Galmo Williams, McAllister Hanchell and Lillian Boyce were also said to be part of the same group.

Messam reportedly delivered the cheque for $10,000 from Smith to Delancy.


What is happening in Turks and Caicos Islands with British Direct Rule?

PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos Islands — Shaun Malcolm, former chairman of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), and Oswald Skippings, former chief minister of the Turks and Caicos Islands and former deputy leader of the PDM, both strong advocates for the suspension of the constitution and the removal of the democratically elected Progressive National Party (PNP) government along with their own party’s parliamentary representatives, have now apparently reversed their positions. 

The pair has recently openly attacked the interim government, with Skippings publishing two controversial opinion pieces, where in one he gave a pass to now disgraced former PNP premier Michael Misick, claiming that Misick was not the master or the mind that masterminded the corruption in the Turks and Caicos Islands. In the other commentary, Skippings protested that there seemed to be little benefit in removing a corrupt regime. 

Shaun Malcolm, on the other hand, has recently had several letters published in the TCI Journal weblog. These letters were apparently published with the intent of exposing the alleged corruption of the interim administration. 

Malcolm is believed to have been the only person that appeared on behalf of the TCI Journal at press conferences hosted by former Governor Gordon Wetherell. Local sources have reported that Malcolm and TCI Journal co-founder Gurcharan Singh are currently facing legal difficulties in the United States, UK and Canada. Singh is said to have fled the South Florida area to hide from creditors and civil law suits that allege serious financial wrongdoing. 

These former supporters of British direct rule seemed hopeful that their commercial activities would be supported by a British-led Government in the Turks and Caicos Islands. 

An aviation company formed by Malcolm and another PDM national governing council member who openly campaigned for Skippings to become leader at previous PDM conventions, was touted as having secured some 99 acres of very valuable land in the Providenciales International Airport on a long term lease. This transaction alone would have made them all instant multimillionaires. Land around the airport sells for $500,000 per acre. The transaction was supposedly backed by an expatriate developer of the exclusive Aman Resort in Providenciales, where the hotel villas rent for some $15,000 per week. 

Former premier Michael Misick had alleged that former Governor Gordon Wetherell was bestowed with lavish gifts from the resort in exchange for favourable immigration appeal decisions but this was denied by the former governor. 

However, sources within the interim government allege that the proposed airport transaction reeked of favouritism and special treatment and the interim government would not be in the business of making instant multimillionaires with Crown land as the main variable in the transaction. Malcolm’s local company apparently invested nothing in the transaction but was using local contacts and purported support of the British government as leverage. 

In any event, the airport deal has now apparently collapsed, with the Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority (TCIAA) entering into a commercial transaction with international ground handler ServiceAir. 

A complaint over the ground handling matter has been lodged with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) by another local supporter of the suspension of parliament, Albray Butterfield Jnr, who owns TCA ground handling. He was also the choice to be deputy leader of the PNP but later had to resign after a majority of PNP national governing council members voted against the appointment. Butterfield has complained that the government should not be in the business of competing with local business. 

Now that the multimillion dollar deals have soured, these former politicians and strong supporters of the suspension of the constitution appear to have turned against the British government. 

Butterfield has now sent another open letter accusing the governor of various nefarious deeds.

published on 10th of March 2012 in Caribean News Now