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When do we put the brakes on collateral damage?

Swiss researcher Ernst Fehr once ran an experiment called “the trust game with revenge”, designed to reveal the motivation for vengeance. What he found was that: a) the decision to punish someone who we think cheated gives us a feeling of pleasure, and b) “…the desire for revenge, even when it costs us something and is fully irrational…” is built into us. (Harvard Business Review, July – August 2009, Page 83)

It is primarily because of this phenomenon, why we are seeing – and will continue to see – collateral damage resulting from the Commission of Inquiry.

For example, Sir. Robin Auld’s final report portrays Dr. Cem Kinay as a willing participant in government corruption, because: a) he gave a large sum of money to an elected official, and b) he is trying to keep the details of it out of the public domain. However, while (a) and (b) are true, they do not automatically equal (c)orruption. Here is why, and a scenario of what likely happened that got him to this point:

To keep cost low, Dr. Kinay’s company most likely applied for and received duty concessions from the Government, thereby saving him a few million dollars on the build-out cost for Dellis Cay. During the election campaign a Government minister most likely asked him for a sizeable campaign donation – probably US$1 million. Finding himself in an awkward situation where he could not easily say “no”, Dr. Kinay probably rationalized it as a one off donation to a government who is pro business, and most importantly, one who his pro Dellis Cay. He then probably agreed to donate an amount less than the initial request – although it would have still been a significant sum – and because there are no rules/laws regarding how campaign donations are made, he sent it based on the instructions of the minister.

Although there is nothing in the scenario above that under normal circumstances would be considered corrupt; because the government involved was Mike Misick’s administration, Dr. Kinay’s campaign donation is being suspected as such.

For the record, even if it turns out that the campaign donation was used for corrupt purposes, I doubt that Dr. Kinay was an architect of that corruption.

It is unfortunate, but in today’s world, you are what/who Google says you are, and if there are any references to you on the internet, Google will find it, index it, and archive it. As such, negative materials on the internet can and will affect (what I call) your “Google’s Character Reference” or GCR.

For the average person, their GCR has little or no impact on their lives. However, for someone whose reputation is his/her global currency; someone whose every business deal results in a background check being done; and someone who has global business interests; their GCR is becoming more important than their credit score.

The destructive powers of negative information on the internet is so great to a person’s reputation, that PR firms recommend that if you are a victim of it, to deal with it swiftly and aggressively – even if it means hiring legal representation to have the information removed. As such, it is likely that for this reason alone why Dr. Kinay is keen to keep any negative references to him in Sir Robin’s report out of the public domain.

However, in our desire to punish those who cheated, we want to have the full report in the public domain – regardless of the collateral damage that it can cause.

While there are those who may see some collateral damage as acceptable, the fact is that in order to rebuild the Turks & Caicos, we not only need the defensive strategy of Sir Robin, we also need an offensive (i.e. inward investment) strategy. As the management guru/thinker Peter Drucker once stated, “We have to accept what we all know to be elemental – that taking a defensive position can, at best, only limit losses. And we need gains.” With the economy in free fall, the Turks & Caicos desperately need gains like Dellis Cay. We cannot afford to watch the country go into an economic tailspin for 2 years while we remake government. This approach will only lead to more problems. With all due respect to Colin Roberts, he got it wrong when he suggested that Britain cannot simultaneously promote inward investment while fixing local government.

The task may be difficult, but Governor Wetherell needs to find a way to do both. For “The signature of the truly great vs. the merely successful is not the absence of difficulty. It’s the ability to come back from setbacks, even cataclysmic catastrophes, stronger than before.” (How The Mighty Fall, Jim Collins)

Writen By: E. Jay Saunders in 2009,Turks and Caicos Islands,CEO of Digicell

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Shaun Malcolm again in the Court Hearings

Shaun Malcolm again in discussions with his letter.The guy is champion in TCI  with his letters to UK Government before and during UK Commission of Inquiry and  Interim Government in Turks and Caicos Islands since 2009


Ashcroft case ‘a threat to free speech’ court told sues Independent for ‘defamation’


A “fundamental bulwark” of free speech could be lost if The Independent is denied the right to defend its decision to publish extracts from a letter written by a Turks and Caicos politician alleging that Lord Ashcroft posed a threat to democracy on the islands, a court was told yesterday.

The Tory peer is seeking damages from Independent News and Media (INM), former owners of The Independent, over articles published in November 2009, one of which quoted from a letter to David Cameron from an opposition Turks and Caicos politician, Shaun Malcolm. The letter pleaded that if the Conservatives came to power, they should not allow Lord Ashcroft to influence British policy on the islands, which have been under direct rule by the Foreign Office because of corruption in the government of the former Prime Minister, Michael Misick.

Lord Ashcroft worked for many years with William Hague, and bankrolled the Conservative Party while Mr Hague was party leader. The Independent alleged that he profited from a short-lived construction boom on Turks and Caicos, fuelled by the corrupt sale of crown land, the court heard. Mr Malcolm alleged in his letter that Lord Ashcroft’s wealth gave him influence which “we feel puts any hope of democracy at risk,” the court heard.

David Price QC, for INM, argued that this was comment, and in law even a ” whacky opinion” can be justified if it has any basis in fact. An appeal court has spent two days listening to arguments over what grounds the newspaper company can use to defend the case. Mark Warby QC, for Lord Ashcroft, claimed the allegations against the Tory peer were so “garbled and unclear” that it would be unfair to expect him to answer them. This argument has been upheld by Britain’s most senior libel judge, Mr Justice Eady, who said Mr Malcolm’s claim that Lord Ashcroft exercised a “level of influence” was a “defamatory comment” lacking “a factual basis”.

Mr Warby added that INM’s legal team had repeatedly gone back to Justice Eady with amendments to their case, but had failed to persuade him to lift the order.

The court reserved its judgement.

The  Independent 03.02.2012

Genel People

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Martin Luther King,Jr.

  • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
  • We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
  • We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
  • One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
  • How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts the human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority.
  • An unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself. This is difference made legal. On the other hand a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal.
  • One who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly […] I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and willingly accepts the penalty by staying in jail to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the very highest respect for law.
  • I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice. […] Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.
  • MLK Jr. Response to an open letter by fellow clergyman critizing his participation in civil rights demonstrations
Genel News

Lillian Misick will have several disappointments in 2012

Chair woman of the Consultative Forum Lillian Misick expressed disappointment in the Governor’s decision to close TCINVEST.

Is her disappointment because of closing or because not be informed?

Governor’s in Turks and Caicos Islands are working like Consultancy Companies,without responsibility ,because they are not elected,they are appointed!

They imported people from UK ,mostly of them without qualifications for their jobs.They are in Turks and Caicos because they are not able to get jobs in UK.They have no sense for Caribbean,they have no sense for the culture,they have no knowledge.They are here because they have no other job.

They are getting the jobs from local people,which are doing this since years.

But because of “CORRUPTION” they are not trusted.

Turks and Caicos Islands is the first country in the history governed with only advisors!

Lillian Misick has to understand,that she is also not trusted!She have to accept it or go away like other people before her.

Wait,she will have other decisions,very important decisions in this year,served to her in parking places from the Governor or his advisors.

Here the statement of Lillian Misick about  TCINVEST  scandal decision of  first very welcomed Governor Todd.


Subject: TCInvest

Dear Governor Todd

I feel compelled to state for the record how truly dismayed I am by the way you have gone about making, and informing us of, your decision to abolish TCInvest.

Many of us greeted your inaugural promise to run a collaborative and transparent administration in good faith and with goodwill.  And even though I have been moved on a few occasions since your inauguration to challenge you to honour it, that promise has never seemed more hollow than it did during the Forum’s closed session this morning.

I was so caught off guard when your Director of Strategy Philip Rushbrook informed me in the parking lot on Friday of your decision to abolish TCInvest that I requested an urgent meeting, which you graciously granted yesterday afternoon.

At that meeting you explained the reasons why you thought this decision was necessary.  I countered by explaining that your reasoning was fundamentally flawed because it focused entirely on the mismanagement and abuse of the agency; i.e., to coin the phrase you used, perhaps unwittingly, you were throwing out the baby with the bath water.

To be fair, I gathered that you were basing your reasoning on a report by UK Advisor Stephen Turnbull, a copy of which you were kind enough to present to me midway through our meeting. But I felt constrained to question the reliability of its findings after glancing a section on the Business Development Center : I served as chairman of TCInvest for 5 years and director of the Business Development Center 10.

I thought it would give you pause when I pointed out that it strains credulity to think that any advisor could produce a comprehensive report on the functioning of this agency, let alone my department, without speaking to me.

In fact you paused long enough to reassure me that it was only a draft report and that you were quite prepared to grant my request for the Forum to hold a public hearing so that the proffered reasons for closing TCInvest could be properly examined.

Yet less than 24 hours later you were insisting in our closed session that there was no need for further discussion because your mind had been made up, presumably based on Mr. Turnbull’s flawed and incomplete draft report.

Let me hasten to clarify that I have never questioned your authority to make this or any other decision. Which makes me wonder why you continually assert – with the gratuitous force of a parent asserting her authority to discipline her child – that you have this authority.

My sole purpose for appealing to you on this and other matters was to get you to demonstrate that your talk about making your interim administration the most honest, open, and transparent in the Caribbean is not just hot air.

Alas, that you were adamant to the point of appearing defiant this morning about your decision to abolish TCInvest, despite the earnest pleadings of members for just a chance to be heard, made it clear to all present that my appeals to you have been in vain.

I hope you appreciate how much credence this gives to those who dismissed the Forum from the outset as nothing more than a rubber-stamp for the neo-colonial machinations of British interlopers.

This is profoundly regrettable and portends dire consequences for our UK-TCI relationship.


Lillian Misick

Chair TCI Consultative Forum

Genel News

The Torch-John Hartley

A torch is a fire source,usually a rod-shaped piece of wood with a rag soaked in pitch and/or some other flammable material wrapped around one end.

The torch is a common emblem of both enlightenment and hope.

“Our torch” is not filling the definitions from above.

Our torch is Misterrr John Hartley,the husband of  famous lawyer Misss Monique Allen,in Turks and Caicos Islands,which earned a lot of money through Dellis Cay  companies in the recent years.It is a big question,how many interest of conflicts Slot Gacor Maxwin she had through all these times?She is representing the Trinidad institution ,lender of Dellis Cay.Dellis Cay  construction is stacked now more as two years because of political issues in Turks and Caicos Islands.

The sources in Turks and Caicos are telling that John Hartley,as husband of Miss Monique Allen,wrote letters as Torch to Trinidad institution before receivership of Dellis Cay and pushed the end of Dellis Cay with wrong  background information’s throughne her wife!And the institution believed them.

The same John Hartley is reporting to London as well are telling the sources in Turks.

Nobody knows their real goals?

But only  Miami Herald and The SUN reported in October 2011 about him in the below article.

Please protect yourself from their actions and read carefully the below article.

John Hartley named in million dollar lawsuit in Florida Local businessman and economist John Hartley has been named as a defendant in a $4million lawsuit that was filed last month in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
The law suit is being brought by American multi-millionaire R.D Hubbard, who is also a Turks and Caicos Islands Belonger and a major investor and property owner here. It stems from a deal in which investors were convinced to come up with $4.5 million for shares in an electric car company, but they apparently got nothing for their money.
Court documents obtained by The SUN showed that Hubbard, through Edward Burger who is acting as trustee for the Hubbard Family Trust, is suing Hartley along with, John Mattera, Bradford Van Siclen, John Ray Arnold, and Praetorian Fund Limited (, of which Hartley is a director.
The story was even published in the Miami Herald on Friday.
According to Miami Herald, The Fisker Karma — a sleek, plug-in hybrid sports sedan — made its long-awaited debut earlier this year, and to heaping praise.
Car and Driver called the sports car, which fetches upwards to $100,000, “striking, luxurious, and easy on big-car guilt.” Popular Mechanic added: “The Fisker Karma is a standout luxury and performance vehicle, period.”
According to the court documents, Hubbard is seeking to to recover substantial damages caused by Defendants Praetorian, G. Power, Mattera, Hartley, van Siclen, Arnold and Fund blatant and fraudulent misrepresentations in soliciting Plaintiffs to invest $4.525 million to acquire shares in Praetorian and/or G. Power, based on false representations that such interests would provide indirect ownership of Series A Preferred shares in Fisker Automotive Inc. (“Fisker”).
It is alleged that Praetorian, G. Power, Mattera, Hartley and van Siclen, at various times, represented Plaintiffs these shares were owned by Mattera, Praetorian or G. Power. However, after they made their investment, Plaintiffs never received the shares reflecting their membership interest in Praetorian. Plaintiffs then discovered that  Mattera, Praetorian and G. Power did not own the Fisker Series A Preferred shares.
It is also alleged that Arnold and First American rtp slot terbaru participated in these securities violations by violating their duties as escrow agents to the Investors who trusted them to hold their moneys pending a proper closing of this transaction.
The court document said there is also an action for breach of fiduciary duty against the escrow agents for this transaction and an action for breach of contract against Praetorian, because Praetorian took Investors’ money but did not issue them shares representing a corresponding interest in Fisker shares and insofar as Praetorian and G. Power do not own the Series A Preferred shares in Fisker.
It is also alleged that Praetorian, G. Power, Mattera, Hartley, van Siclen and Fund fraudulently induced Plaintiffs to purchase membership interests by telling Plaintiffs that G. Power owned $20 million Series A Preferred shares in Fisker, and that through their investment, they would be purchasing an indirect ownership interest in Series A Preferred Fisker shares to the extent of their purchase.
According to the Miami Herald article, Mattera acknowledges he never owned Fisker Series A-1 preferred stock, which the investors were told they were buying. He did have a substantial holding of similar Series B stock, which he said he tasked Situs Slot Online associates Bradford van Siclen and John Hartley with selling. Mattera said van Siclen, the New Jersey-based private equity broker who is a defendant in the lawsuit along with Hartley, was responsible for misrepresenting the offer. A message left for van Siclen at his business, The Praetorian Fund, went unanswered this week.
The SUN was unable to reach Hartley for comment up to press time.
Published October 18th, 2011 in the SUN ,Turks and Caicos Islands.

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In Memory of Apartheid

Genel Turksjournal Picks

I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist.

I am not a liberator.

Liberators sicbo do not exist.

The people slot pulsa liberate themselves.

Che Guevara

He made slot deposit pulsa this statement in Mexico 1958.

All the events since this year shows,that he was so right.

So don’t complain and rtp live liberate yourself,if you really wish this.

Genel News

The Year of Elections 2012

2012 is the year of elections around the world and very important elections.

Superpower USA will decide in November 2012 for OBAMA or not?

PUTIN will be again new President in Russia or not?

Countries with biggest populations China and India will have their elections in  2012 too.

France will most probably decide  for the end of Sarkozy

Did you realize that all these countries together represent  the half of  total world population!

How is the situation with elections   in Turks and Caicos Islands beside these Giants?

They are to many disinformation and opposite statements from different sources in TCI.

2011 elections have been postponed with a lot of excuses and reasons . Now it is time to think very deeply,if the tiny island people are able or not able to elect and govern themselves?Are they able to go back again to democracy?Or they have to listen new stories,why the elections have to be postponed again,because the decision makers are not sitting in Turks and Caicos Islands.

The brave people of the island have to work out from the first days of the year to get this basic right,before it will be again too late.

Happy Election Year 2012.Enjoy it.

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All The Best for 2012.

We wish All The Best for 2012
